Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

We Are Home!!!

Hello All, 

We are finally home.  Celia did pretty well on the plane ride home.  She didn't sleep very well because she likes to stretch out and she couldn't do it very well in our laps.  We had a great turn out at the airport to welcome us home.  We were exhausted but glad to see our family and friends.  It is so good to be home.  We are trying to get her on Tennessee time but it is not going very well.  She was sitting in the high chair this morning and fell asleep.  We are exhausted.  The jet lag is horrible.  We have had a few visitors and she seems to be doing well in meeting them.  When people get around her she tends to seek me out and I smile reassuringly to her and she will smile back.  She is doing very well in the attaching process.  Even when people talk to her she will continuously look at me to make sure that everything is okay.  She is so cute!  I will try to keep this blog updated in the days to come.  

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