Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sightseeing to Teng Wang Ge continued......

The first picture is us in front of a big bell. Veronica said that this is the best Feng Shui place in this area. She said this pavilion was built after the last fire and it was good because if Teng Wang Ge burns again the fire will stop at the pavilion. Painted in the ceiling of the pavilion were stars. The pavilion is a place of tranquility. Eastern believes in the Ying and the Yang. That if you have both than you are whole. I may have some of this wrong so forgive me for misspelling any words. This is all new to me. The second picture is the Ying and the Yang on the concrete below. Sorry if it is hard to see. There were people standing on it and it would have been impossible to get it without someone standing on it. But it was very interesting looking. The third is Greg feeding Celia her lunch. She is eating a steamed egg and Greg could not get it to her fast enough. One thing about these Jiangxi girls is that they love to eat. They are all so cute!!! Also, we had to bring in the big BIB. We brought the disposable bibs but she tears them off and rips them to shreds. She is a ring-tailed tooter. We love the daylights out of her. We could not be happier!

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