Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Countryside

Today we went to the countryside. It was about 40 minutes away from our hotel. It was very poor and dirty. It made us very sad because Veronica told us that where our babies had lived was in an even poorer part of Jiangxi. She wanted to show us how the people lived. A couple in our group brought some snacks to give to the kids. The people were so friendly and happy. I guess that it just goes to show that even in the poorest of situations you can still find joy. Here are a couple of pictures. The first picture is us in front of the people's activity center. To the right behind us are the rice fields. Veronica said that they will harvest them in October. The men in this area are living and working in the city now but when it is time for harvest they will come back to the village and work the rice fields. After they are done they will go back to the city and get another job. The second picture is a 5 month old baby that was well fed. Most of the children and babies in this village were boys. We didn't see very many girls at all. The third picture is a brick house with a thatch roof. Veronica said that more than likely this is the kind of house that Celia lived in with her foster parents.

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