Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Medical Exam Appt

We finally found something that Celia is scared of. THE DOCTOR!!! We all wondered how their last doctors appt was because all of the babies cried. All we have left now is to be sworn in at the American Consulate here in Guangzhou and we will be ready to return home as a family of 3. We are looking forward to coming home now. We are having a hard time sleeping because the beds are made of concrete, we think. First picture is Celia before seeing the Doctor. Second picture is Celia getting her ears checked. The third is Celia after the doctors appt. I just wanted to show you all that she did survive. Sorry I cut Greg's head off but who is the trip about anyway, right?

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