Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Typhoon Celia has hit China and heading towards Tennessee

We just got back from supper and Celia was ALL OVER THE PLACE. She would have taken the table cloth off if it had not been for the lazy Susan on the table. She had her feet on the table at times, she ripped her bib off, was reaching for everything on the table, bit Dana's finger with her new teeth on the top and bottom and yelled mama and ba-ba through supper. We thought that we were back home with the Smith clan. Earlier today Celia went for her first swim and she loved the water. She does not seem to be afraid of anything except having her diaper changed. The orphanage director told us she was naughty and we are beginning to believe it! She, along with all of the babies, seem to be adjusting very well. here are a few more pictures. We can not send too many at one time.

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