Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009


This has been one of the most exciting days of our lives.  At approximately 11:00 AM this morning Greg and I officially became parents.  I cannot describe how we feel.  We are "over the moon" in love with her.  We think she is the most beautiful baby that we have ever seen in our lives.  Of course, we are not being partial or anything:)   We are finally coming down off of our adrenaline highs.  Looking back on today we were talking about what we were doing when we got the news.  Greg was out in the garden staking tomato plants and I was at work eating Chinese food for lunch.  Who would have thought that this day would have turned out the way it has.  It has been amazing and GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!!!!    His timing has been absolutely perfect.  It has been a long journey but the wait has been worth it all.  We will continue to keep everyone posted on any upcoming events and hopefully I will have my head on straight the next time I blog.  Thank you all for all of your prayers and please continue to pray for us as we proceed.  We do have a 15 hour flight, one way, ahead of us.  

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