Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Next Step

We have received Celia's Medical Exam and her growth report and everything looks good. The reports say that she is a happy, healthy baby. On June 23, Greg accepted the package from the FedEx man. Imagine his surprise when Greg asked him if he could take a picture of him holding the package. Greg told him that he had a crazy request and then told him that he really needed a picture of him because he was delivering our adoption papers and that I would hurt him if I came home and he didn't have a picture. The man was a good sport and let Greg take 3 pictures of him and then told him congratulations. Greg said he was a nice guy. I had to have the pictures for Celia's scrapbook. After we read through the paperwork we signed off that we would accept the referral and then took them back to Federal Express the same night and had them sent back. Our agency told us the sooner we had the papers back to them the sooner we would travel. The papers reached GWCA today at 8:13 AM and we received an e-mail from our agency stating that they received our package and they were moving us to the travel phase. They said that we should receive some information from our travel advisor sometime next week. We are so excited!!! We are getting closer.

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