Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Care Package

This morning I ordered Celia a care package through Red Thread China. A lady in China, Ann, owns this company and she has contact with the orphanages and will be able to find out her correct sizes and send her our package. In it I have put a pair of pajamas, a doll, a blanket, camera and a note stating that we are Celia's parents and we would like her to have these things and would they take some pictures of her, her caretakers, her orphanage director and her friends, with the camera so that we will have them for her for later. In sending this package through Ann I am hoping to get Celia's true sizes and hopefully be able to pack the correct sizes for her for our trip. Keeping our fingers crossed and trusting God!!

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