Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Visa Applications

Last week we received our visa application forms to fill out on Tuesday and were told that we had to have them back to GWCA by Monday, the 13th. On Wednesday I e-mailed back and forth to our travel advisor to make sure that we were filling out the forms correctly and then on Thursday my dad took them and filled them out on the computer because they had to be typed. Just getting them typed was a crazy story in itself. After he got them typed he brought them to me in Hendersonville at work and then I took my lunch break, which ended up being about 3 hours, and took them to Greg at his work in Gallatin to sign. I then headed back to Goodlettsville to the FEDEX store and had them sent overnight. After that I got on the bypass, which has traffic backed up from one exit to the next and my gas light comes on. I pray the entire time on the bypass explaining to God that I know it was my fault that I didn't get gas but could He please let me make it to the gas station. I MADE IT!!! So I am pumping my gas and praising God at the same time. I then head back to work and finish my day. Friday, I was tracking our FEDEX package and it got to GWCA at 8:19 AM. I then e-mailed GWCA and made sure that they received the package, which they did. Greg told me later that I could write a whole book just on my experiences on Thursday. Next step: TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS!!!! YIPEEEEE!!!!!!

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