Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Our Travel Itinerary

We just received confirmation of our travel arrangements.

8/6 - Depart US

8/7 - Arrive in Beijing

8/8 - We will take a tour of Beijing

8/9 - We will fly to Jiangxi Province (where Celia lives)

8/10 - GOTCHA DAY!!!!! (Best day of the whole trip)

8/15 - We will fly to Guangzhou

8/19 - American Consulate appointment

8/20 - We will go to American Consulate to pick up her passport and visa and take oath in the afternoon.

8/21 - Depart from Shanghai back to the US

We have already bought our tickets so this is set in stone. We are ELATED!!!!

We will have more details in the days to follow!

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