Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Pigeon Forge

We had another good time in Pigeon Forge. We shopped and hung out with the family. We look forward to doing this every year. It is a good way to spend a long weekend before Christmas.

Wilderness in the Smokies

We stayed at Wilderness in the Smokies in Pigeon Forge and had a blast at the waterpark. Celia was a little scared of some of the water slides but she still had a good time. We had so much fun with all of the cousins. It was a great place to stay and we hope to do it again next year!

Lil' Cowgirl

I found this hat at Celia's favorite place, Tractor Supply. She had a great time posing for pictures.