Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Pigeon Forge

We had another good time in Pigeon Forge. We shopped and hung out with the family. We look forward to doing this every year. It is a good way to spend a long weekend before Christmas.

Wilderness in the Smokies

We stayed at Wilderness in the Smokies in Pigeon Forge and had a blast at the waterpark. Celia was a little scared of some of the water slides but she still had a good time. We had so much fun with all of the cousins. It was a great place to stay and we hope to do it again next year!

Lil' Cowgirl

I found this hat at Celia's favorite place, Tractor Supply. She had a great time posing for pictures.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Trek or Treat continued

Trek or Treat at the Streets

We went to the Streets of Indian Lake again for some family fun. It was fun to watch the kids get to play some games and get some treats!

Hello Kitty Cake

These are pictures of her and her Hello Kitty cake. She was so thrilled with it. She really got into her birthday this year.

Celia's 3rd Birthday

Celia had her 3rd birthday party on Saturday, September 24th. She had a Hello Kitty cake, which she had wanted for a year, and she got lots of presents from family and friends. She even got a coat and hat from her Nana so that she will be prepared for the winter. Everyone had a really good time.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Wilson County Fair (Day Two)

The second time we went to the fair Celia left her tiara at home. We got our faces painted, rode on another pony and sat on another tractor. Celia couldn't understand why she had to wait a year before she could go back to the fair. We all wish that the fair would come to town more often.

Wilson County Fair (Day One continued)

Celia also pet the pigs, was sprayed with cow's milk by her BaBa and held a BIG snake. Her BaBa also kissed a mule. BaBa was very entertaining.

Wilson County Fair (Day One)

We took Celia to the Wilson County Fair this year and had a great time. She insisted on wearing her tiara all day. She sat on tractors, rode on ponies, motorcycles and in a pumpkin. It is so much fun watching her have a good time.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Nature Center

Today we went to the Nature Center and the girls had a great time watching the baby quail hatch from their eggs. It was amazing. They also worked puzzles, saw snakes and other animals and walked on a nature trail. We had a really good time.

Visiting Lily, Bob and Danielle

We are in North Carolina visiting Lily, Bob and Danielle. We are so happy to be here. The girls are having a great time playing together. Lily is being so nice to share her toys with Celia. We have been to Discovery Place and the girls had a really good time "discovering" things. They even got to pet a turtle.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lounging at the Beach House

After a long day at the beach and pool everyone decided to take it easy for a while. It's a tough job being on vacation!

Celia, Julia, Paul and Noah


We decided to head out to see the Dolphins. We went with the Smith's and had a really good time. The kids just loved it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Orange Beach Ala. 2011

We are enjoying a vacation with the Smith's. We have spent time at the pool and the beach. Here are some pictures.