Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Wilson County Fair (Day Two)

The second time we went to the fair Celia left her tiara at home. We got our faces painted, rode on another pony and sat on another tractor. Celia couldn't understand why she had to wait a year before she could go back to the fair. We all wish that the fair would come to town more often.

Wilson County Fair (Day One continued)

Celia also pet the pigs, was sprayed with cow's milk by her BaBa and held a BIG snake. Her BaBa also kissed a mule. BaBa was very entertaining.

Wilson County Fair (Day One)

We took Celia to the Wilson County Fair this year and had a great time. She insisted on wearing her tiara all day. She sat on tractors, rode on ponies, motorcycles and in a pumpkin. It is so much fun watching her have a good time.