Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

More Birthday Pictures

Celia's 2nd Birthday

We celebrated Celia's birthday on Saturday by having a BIG party!!! She was so cute. I look back and cannot believe how much she has changed and grown. She is so fun and we are so BLESSED!!! I cried off and on Saturday, not because she was already 2, but because she is actually with us and God made it happen! He is so AWESOME!! I cannot believe how she is talking so much and we can actually understand what she is saying, which in a way is scary because we never know what she is going to say. She broke her piggy bank the other day and looked down on the floor at all of its contents and said, in her way "all gone, dad gum it." Greg and I just busted out laughing! She is absolutely hilarious! Here are a few pictures of her from the birthday party. She was really having a good time, especially when she finally realized it was all about her. Enjoy!