Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pigeon Forge

Every year it is our family tradition to go to Pigeon Forge right before Christmas and lounge around. This year the place that we are staying has an indoor pool. We took the kids swimming and they had a blast. It was rather cool and Greg kept asking Celia if she was cold and she would say yes, but when he would ask her if she wanted to get out she would say no. She loves the pool and would jump out into the water to Greg. It was so fun to watch her and her Baba.

The Gingerbread House

We bought a Gingerbread house for Julia and Celia to decorate and a train for Paul and Noah to decorate. Most of the time Julia and the boys were decorating and Celia was eating, the candy of course. The kids did really good on the decorations and most of all they had a lot of fun!!


We went to Nana and PawPaw's for Thanksgiving. Baba had to work but he came over after he got off. After Thanksgiving dinner, Nana had Celia and all of her cousins make their own turkeys out of construction paper. Celia loved every minute of it. She thought she was big stuff with her glue stick. She loves art.

Celia and Mini

Celia and Mini are GREAT pals! Celia loves Mini but she doesn't like her getting right in her face. I think that Mini can be a little intimidating at times because she and Celia are right at eye level when Celia is walking.

Potty Training?

We thought that Celia might be showing some signs that she might be getting ready to start potty training. I think that we might be wrong. Here are some pictures of what she did when we took this out of the package. Do you think she is ready?

Celia's Dedication

On November 11, 2010, we had Celia's dedication ceremony at church. Besides not wanting to be held by the pastor, she was well-behaved. We were so excited that so many family members were able to come. We want so much for Celia to follow Christ throughout her life and we pray that we will live our lives in front of her to show her Christ's love and how to be a follower. We chose her life verse to be Jeremiah 29:11. For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. We know that God has put Celia here with us for a reason. We hope and pray that she lives her life to serve Him.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Halloween night in Hendersonville

On Halloween night we took Celia to a local church to trick or treat. She got to jump in some inflatable things, paint a pumpkin and trick or treat from a variety of people who had decorated the trunks of their cars for Halloween. The kids had a BLAST!

Celia and Caroline

Here are two peas in a pod. They can make a mess in no time flat. I can't believe how much they have grown in one year.

Celia and Mom Granna

On Baba's day off from work he and Celia go to Mom Granna's apartment to visit. Celia loves Mom Granna. Can you tell?

Halloween 2010 at Grassmere Zoo

This year we went back to the zoo for Halloween. The kids have such a great time and it is a safe environment. They not only get candy but little trinkets to play with and everyone is so friendly.

Candid shots

Here are some pictures of Celia on Mr Scott's tractor and of her with some of her girl cousins.

Halloween 2010

I know it is late to put these on here but I wanted to put some pictures of Celia dressed up as a Cowgirl ballerina for Halloween. We had so much fun at the Streets of Indian Lake.

Monday, September 27, 2010

More Birthday Pictures

Celia's 2nd Birthday

We celebrated Celia's birthday on Saturday by having a BIG party!!! She was so cute. I look back and cannot believe how much she has changed and grown. She is so fun and we are so BLESSED!!! I cried off and on Saturday, not because she was already 2, but because she is actually with us and God made it happen! He is so AWESOME!! I cannot believe how she is talking so much and we can actually understand what she is saying, which in a way is scary because we never know what she is going to say. She broke her piggy bank the other day and looked down on the floor at all of its contents and said, in her way "all gone, dad gum it." Greg and I just busted out laughing! She is absolutely hilarious! Here are a few pictures of her from the birthday party. She was really having a good time, especially when she finally realized it was all about her. Enjoy!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Two Spicy Girls Together Again

We met Bob, Danielle and Lily in Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg for a little reunion. It was wonderful seeing them again. We cannot believe that it has been a year, on the 10th of August, since Adoption Day. We had a great time with them and can't wait until we get together again next year!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Time at Lake Smith

We have found that Celia likes a lot of different activities. She loves riding the tractor with Greg and she will walk outside, point to the tractor and motion for him to get on and let her ride with him. We have also found that she likes the jet ski as well. We went to Lake Smith in Alabama with the Smith's and had the best time relaxing and having fun. Enjoy the pictures!