Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Celia's first steps

Celia started taking her first steps the day after Thanksgiving. Here is a video of her walking this weekend at the cabin. She is so funny. She will stand and walk and clap for herself. She is so CUTE!!

Getting ready for Christmas

One night I was wrapping presents for Christmas and Celia got out her sunglasses and decided to pose for some pictures. She loves her glasses! Can you tell? The third picture I just threw in to show the mischevious look on Celia's face and her first pair of snowboots. She is styling!

Pigeon Forge

We took Celia to Pigeon Forge for her first trip away from home since we got back from China. It has been 4 months since gotcha day and we can't believe it. She is blending in so well. It feels like she has always been with us. She has cousins galore and is loving every minute of it. We headed to Pigeon Forge, TN on Wednesday, December 9th and were expecting to have a great trip. Who knew that Celia, Greg, Granna and I would get a 24 hour virus. It was absolutely horrible. Celia and I got it first then Greg and Granna got it the next day. We were all laid out for about 24 hours a piece. It was not a good way to start off what was supposed to be a great weekend. We are now back among the living and enjoying the rest of the weekend with my family at the cabin.

Updated pictures

Since we haven't updated in a while I am going to have to put Thanksgiving and the beginning of the Christmas holiday together. My parents sold their house so we had to celebrate Thanksgiving at Philip and Amy's house. Greg had to work Thanksgiving day and so he was late. We only got a few pictures that day because I forgot to take pictures until he got there. I do good just to keep up with Celia these days. Julia and Paul got into the picture with us because they are CAMERA CRAZY!! Get a good look at Celia's hair. It is standing straight up on her head. It is starting to lay down now because she is getting more of it. We kind of miss it, although she is really cute whether it is laying down or standing up!