Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Referrals arriving through March 14, 2006

After big delays this month from the "swine flu", holidays and vacations the CCAA has finally sent referrals through March 14th of 2006. We are so excited. It looks like we are "possibly" next. I told Greg that I was not going to get on the "rollercoaster" ride again but, of course, it is too late! The other night I was reading the Bible and feeling pretty low and I asked God to give me some scripture to hang on to. I was already reading in the book of Romans and it just so happened that I was in the 8th chapter and the verses that I read were 22 through 25. Boy, did God answer my prayers. Those are some awesome verses from an awesome God! I am having a hard time thinking today so I can't imagine how I will be when we get our referral. We could possibly hear from our agency anywhere from two weeks to the month of July. We never know when they will send out more but our agency has promised to keep in touch with us, so in turn I will keep in touch through our blog. KEEP PRAYING!!!!!