Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I-171H Received!

We have just received our I -171H in the mail. We are so excited. We were a little concerned because the people at immigration that took our fingerprints said that they weren't really all that good. I thought that we might have to go back and try again. I as so thankful that we did not. Our next step is to get our referral and see our little ones face. I cannot believe it!! We are now trying to figure out what to do next. We have got to get our house in order. We need to get rid of a bunch of stuff and reorganize. We hope to get the help of my sister and mother (whenever she recoups from her latest surgery) to come over and dig in. Please pray that everything works out and that we get to go to China this year. A lot of people are saying that it will be this year for us but we never know what China is going to do. Keep your fingers crossed.