Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Time In Nashville!!!

Time In Beijing!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

China is done with February 2006!!!!

We are so excited. We just got an e-mail from our agency yesterday that the "stork had landed" and China has sent the families with February 28, 2006 LID's (Log-in-date) their referrals. We are ecstatic! China is now going to start sending the March 2006 LID families (that would be us) our babies. Our LID is March 20, 2006. We still feel like it will be a couple of months but we are just excited that China is now working our month. This has never happened before! I called Greg yesterday when I got the e-mail and all he could say is that "WE ARE NOT READY!" My sister told me that it didn't matter because even if you thought you were ready you never really would be. We are still waiting to get our I-171H (immigration paper) back so please pray that everything works out okay with that. I know that God is in control of this whole situation. He has already made himself so evident in our lives this year and I know that He is going to take care of this. I feel like this is going to be a really good year for us.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Greg is an RN!!!!!!!!

Can everyone please join with me in singing the Hallelujah Chorus. Greg has officially passed his boards and is now a Registered Nurse. He says that RN stands for "Real Nice." After many years of suffering, on both of our parts, Greg has finally made it and has started donating to the financial cause of this family. Can I get an AMEN. I feel like he still needs to be studying. He says that it is awkward having all of this time on his hands. Maybe he can clean the house.

On the adoption front, nothing is really happening right now. We are however very close to seeing our baby. We have to update our paperwork in October and we pray that everything goes smoothly. We are hoping to get our referral in December or January and travel in February or March. If we travel to pick Celia up in March then that will make it three years since we logged in with the CCAA. It is unbelievable to see how long it has taken us to get to this point but we keep saying that she will be worth the wait. We still have a few things to do before she gets here so that keeps us busy. Hopefully we will have it all done by the time she comes home. Please pray for us while we are reaching the end of this three year wait. It is awesome how God has been working and we look forward to seeing His hands at work in the future.